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Saya minta maaf kepada Najib dan Rosmah

Dear Dato’ Sri,

With an estimated 36,000-42,000 people in the UK already dead from the Covid-19 coronavirus pandemic (the UK government does not really know the real death rate because it seems many deaths went unreported — for example, my son, Raja Azman, worked in a care-home where 13 elderly people died within just days) death can be lurking around the corner just waiting to pounce on us.

After Hari Raya, Azman will be starting work with the NHS so he faces the danger of bringing the virus home with him (many people in the high-risk employment category now stay outside and no longer go home, in case).

Anyway, the point is, today I might be “talking” to you and tomorrow I might be gone. So I would like to minta ampun dan maaf from you and Madam in case Hari Raya next year I might not be able to do so. So, to BossKu and Madam, dengan ikhlas saya mohon ampun dan maaf.

Actually, I had nothing personal against you and I had always held you in high regards. After all, we have known each other since you were still just the Deputy Umno Leader back in the 1980s. However, as you know, in politics friends can become adversaries one day and comrades the next day. That is the occupational hazard of politics.

The issue here is, Muhyiddin Yassin was supposed to be the Deputy Prime Minister to Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi (Pak Lah) in November 2003. However, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad blocked that from happening. That was why for a couple of months Malaysia had no Deputy Prime Minister.

Pak Lah was in a dilemma. He wanted Muhyiddin but did not dare defy Mahathir. Yet he did not want you either. Finally, Mahathir could not tahan the delay and announced that you are the new Deputy Prime Minister.

We found it odd that Mahathir and not Pak Lah announced you as the Deputy Prime Minister. It was not until 24 hours later that Pak Lah announced you as the new Deputy Prime Minister. Of course, he had no choice since Mahathir had already made that announcement.

We felt you were Mahathir’s proxy to help protect his RM100 billion in ill-gotten gains. Mahathir was our enemy. Hence, since you are Mahathir’s friend, then that makes you our enemy as well. Simple.

Then we began attacking you (to oust you before you can take over from Pak Lah) and your “boy” Rusdi Mustapha came to meet me at the Havana Club in KL to offer to buy me off. Just name your price, he told me, and I whacked him good and proper.

By then we were already working with Mahathir to try to oust Pak Lah. Yes, the end justifies the means and an enemy of my enemy is my friend, and all that.

The next day, I phoned Mahathir and asked to meet him. I was told to come in at 3.00pm to his office in Petronas and I told Tun about the offer from Rusdi. Mahathir asked me how much I asked for. I replied I did not ask for anything and instead whacked Rusdi.

Mahathir jokingly replied, “You should have asked for RM20 million, half for you and half for me.”

The reason we were attacking Pak Lah and you back in 2006-2008 was so that Muhyiddin and Ku Li could take over as number 1 and number 2 (up to them who is number 1 and who is number 2). And we knew if we wanted to oust Pak Lah and you, then we had no choice but to collaborate with Mahathir (just like how DAP collaborated with Mahathir in 2018 to oust you).

Then Ku Li told us in June 2008 that Mahathir was betraying us. He was just using us to oust Pak Lah. After agreeing that Muhyiddin and Ku Li will be taking over as number 1 and number 2 once Pak Lah has been toppled, he secretly plotted behind our back to appoint you as PM7.

So we had no choice but to plot your downfall.

I personally had nothing against you. We just did not want a Mahathir proxy on the throne. And Muhyiddin and Ku Li would never become Mahathir’s proxies, especially Ku Li.

That was when Ku Li’s “boy”, Bul, came out with the idea to link you and Madam to Altantuya Shaariibbu’s murder. So, a few days later, I came out with that Statutory Declaration linking Rosmah to Altantuya’s murder, saying that she was there the night of the murder.

With Allah as my witness, I believed at that time that what I said was the Gospel. It was until later that I found out Bul had lied to us. In fact, when I was under ISA detention, my wife, Marina, tried to meet Ku Li but he refused to meet her. Marina then met Bul in Bangsar, who gave all sorts of excuses as to why the evidence he promised us no longer existed.

At that point Marina knew Bul had lied and we had swallowed it hook, line and sinker. But then I had known Bul since I was 13 so one would normally trust someone you know for 50 years.

Anyway, to cut a long story short, the Altantuya story is a lie, and because of that fitnah, millions of people believe that you and Rosmah are involved in or behind the murder.

According to my arwah Tok Guru, Allah will never forgive you lest the person you have sinned against forgives you. And I know my fitnah has caused you considerable damage and that until today that story and my SD is still being circulated. So I would like on Hari Raya day to apologise and minta ampun dan maaf in case Allah wills it that I never see Hari Raya next year. I just hope one day to do this again face-to-face.

Raja Petra Kamarudin

MR :  Yang lain bila lagi

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12 ulasan:

  1. Patut la Mahathir heran Melayu takutkan DAP. Aku rasa terlopong jua mulut LKS kalo baca artikel/surat neh. Itu pun kalau LKS buat buat tak tau.
    Sekarang ni nak takut tim TunM ke DAP ?
    Tapi yang aku pasti, tak perlu suruh pun orang biasa biasa tetap takut PAS. Kenapa? Aku pun heran.
    Semuga Allah kurnia TGHH panjang umur dan kesihatan tip top agar dapat menyaksikan PAS jadi parti utama memerintah Malaysia.

    1. Ya Allah bro. TGHH dah nampak tua sangat. Nampak dia akan pergi tak lama lagi. Malaysia akan kehilangan lagi seorang Murabbi. Ustaz Ismail Kamus dah pergi , sebelum itu Harun Din , Ya Allah.... sedih.

  2. Nampaknya Raja Petra lebih mulia dari pemimpin-pemimpin Pakatan Hancing pimpinan parti kafir Harbi DA-Pigs yang telah menfitnah dan memburuk-burukkan Najib, PAS, UMNO dll kerana Raja Petra sanggup memohon maaf kepada Najib.

    Inilah perbezaan di antara orang yang bermoral tinggi dan Pakatan Hancing yang telah kencing rakyat dengan pelbagai janji palsu, pembohongan dan u-turn.

  3. Penjilat tegar ni biasalah..
    Bila tak ada kuasa...cari kesalahan.
    Bila ada kuasa...jilat sampai koyak.

    Inilah muka munafiq.

    عَنْ أَبِي سَعِيْد الْخُدْرِي رَضِيَ اللهُ عَنْهُ قَالَ : سَمِعْتُ رَسُوْلَ اللهِ صلى الله عليه وسلم يَقُوْلُ : مَنْ رَأَى مِنْكُمْ مُنْكَراً فَلْيُغَيِّرْهُ بِيَدِهِ، فَإِنْ لَمْ يَسْتَطِعْ فَبِلِسَانِهِ، فَإِنْ لَمْ يَسْتَطِعْ فَبِقَلْبِهِ وَذَلِكَ أَضْعَفُ اْلإِيْمَانِ
    [رواه مسلم]

    Kosa kata:

    يغَيـِّر: Merubah

    أضعف: Yang paling lemah

    Terjemah hadits:

    Dari Abu Sa’id Al Khudri radiallahuanhu berkata : Saya mendengar Rasulullah shallallahu`alaihi wa sallam bersabda: Siapa yang melihat kemungkaran maka ubahlah dengan tangannya, jika tidak mampu maka ubahlah dengan lisannya, jika tidak mampu maka (tolaklah) dengan hatinya dan hal tersebut adalah selemah-lemahnya iman. (Riwayat Muslim)

    Kandungan Hadist:

    Menentang pelaku kebatilan dan menolak kemungkaran adalah kewajiban yang dituntut dalam ajaran Islam atas setiap muslim sesuai kemampuan dan kekuatannya.

    Ridho@menyetujui@menyokong terhadap kemaksiatan termasuk di antara dosa-dosa besar.

    1. Hadis di atas menyuruh umat Islam melakukan kebaikan dan menolak pelbagai bentuk kemungkaran dan kesesatan seperti parti kafir Harbi DA-Pigs, RBA dan khadam liberal mereka yang telah menghina ajaran Islam dan menafikan hak umat Islam.


      Awas ! RBA ternakan DA-Pigs sedang menyamar sebagai orang Melayu Islam untuk menfitnah dan memburuk-burukkan Islam, ulama Islam, parti Islam dan umat Islam yang cintakan Allah dan RasulNya.

      Puak RBA ini sedang sibuk menyebarkan fitnah untuk melaga-lagakan dan memecah-belahkan umat Islam supaya DA-Pigs boleh berkuasa semula untuk menindas Islam dan umat Islam.

    2. Arif muluk tak dapat bezakan antara menentang kemungkaran dengan amal maaruf.. Menyokong serta mencintai puak puak kafir, munafiq dan pembohongan pakatan hancing dikatakan amal maaruf oleh arif mulik.. Fahaman sesat ajaran puak panpinpon rahmatan alamin tak dapat bezakan mana satu kemungkaran kah kah kah

    3. Arif muluk x perlu la sampai nak buat meniaga ayat Alquran seeloknya sebelum kamu nak menegak benang yg basah kamu hafal dan fahami lah ayat dari juzz amma surah Almaun ,ayat tu ditujukan pada mereka sentiasa buat x nampak akan kesalahan pemimpin yg sering membuat fitnah demi untuk berkuasa
      Tapi mereka lupa urusan Allah mengatasi segalanya

    4. Kalau Arif Muluk rajin silalah kepilkan hadith dan ayat Quran mengenai balasan neraka yang bakal menimpa barua kafir.

  4. Bila ada org yg mula mengingati mati, mula menyesali kesalahan diri dan merendah diri meminta kemaafan atas kesalahannya pada org lain, muncul pula makhluk bernama arif muluk yg panas jubo dan menggelupur. Ko siapa nak menilai org lain dan menuduh mcm2? Bila hati dah hitam kerana fitnah dan penipuan, tak perlu lah copy paste ayat2 suci dan hadith untuk menunjuk. Hanya lebih dangkal dan menyebalkan.

  5. Hadis betul tapi Arif Muluk memetik secara tidak amanah dan bertanggungjawab. Mempertahankan mungkar PH itu tidak betul.Semua tahu apa mungkar PH tanpa perlu hurai melainkan Arif Muluk memang hatinya sudah gelap untuk kebenaran.maka Arif Muluik sentiasa mencari sandaran agama untuk mensucikan PH

  6. Ulasan ini telah dialihkan keluar oleh pengarang.

  7. Arif muluk ni copy paste j,Arif muluk ni ahli RBA Dap Dajjal ..jgn takut lawan j rba ni
