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DAP Is Trying To Kill The Malay-Muslim States Of Terengganu And Kelantan

DAP is trying to kill Terengganu and Kelantan because those two states are under PAS and not under Pakatan Harapan.

Recently, the Federal Government approved the payment of the 5% oil royalty to all the four states — Sabah, Sarawak, Terengganu and Kelantan.

The Finance Minister, Lim Guan Eng, however, released the oil royalty payment to Sabah and Sarawak in full while he held back the payment to Terengganu and Kelantan. Terengganu alone is supposed to receive RM750 million and with the payment to Kelantan the total would come to more than RM1 billion.

Petronas has already paid the Ministry of Finance the 5% oil royalty but Guan Eng refuses to release it to Terengganu and Kelantan

It appears that Guan Eng and DAP can bypass the Cabinet and the Federal Government and can make their own unilateral decisions. And their decision is the two Malay-Muslim states of Terengganu and Kelantan must be starved of funds and the 5% oil royalty for these two states, which Petronas has already paid the Ministry of Finance, must be held back.


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4 ulasan:


    hipokrasi demokrezy peringkat tertinggi
    kemunafikun al-kafiraun paras teratas
    al-pro mosleum yang menjengkelkan
    politikus al-lebih teruk dari Mahaqarut

  2. sedehnya orang Islam dalam PH sanggop tgk saudaranya di pinggirkan

  3. Inilah akibat daripada penguasa Melayu berhati busuk bersekongkol dengan DAP kaafiruuun. Aku Tak mengaku saudara orang munafik.

  4. macam mana nak cakap PM Mahathir adalah orang yang paling sesuai untuk melawan DAP tapi apa dah jadi Searang dialah manusia yang mengangkat DAP dan pelik bin ajaib ramai melayu sokong kalau bangssa cina sokong tak heran mereka ada undang sebalik batu.Saya akui dulu memang saya sanjung beliau skrg tgk muka dia darah dah naik.
